Protected conversations: You can protect certain conversations with a personalizable lock so that no one else will be able to see them, even if that person has physical access to your smartphone.

WhatsApp Aero supports videos of up to 700 MB and images with a maximum weight of 50 MB. Share heavy files: Send and receive files that you wouldn't be able to share in the regular version of this application.No turning back: Users are not able to delete messages that they have sent to their contacts.Additionally you can see which contacts have been online, updated their status or changed their profile picture. You can disable the blue double check, hide that you are online, hide your status, prevent your contacts from seeing that you are writing a message or recording an audio, etc. New privacy options: Your app, your privacy rules.Third-party emoji: You can import emoji from other social networks and previous Android versions, including Facebook emoji, One V3 emoji, Android Nougat and Oreo emoji, and many more.Fonts and ticks: You have the possibility to apply different fonts to each chat, as well as bubble styles, custom read ticks, etc.Because, let's be honest, we spend a big amount of time using this messenger app on any given day of the week.

Now you can finally give WhatsApp the look and feel of your dreams.